Mountain Justice - Page 2

Candy-coated family-friendly version of activism achieves nothing

Swarthmore brands itself as an institution where student-staff-administration collaboration is crucial not only to student culture but to college function. Another critical value of the campus community is student activism, which has been present at the college since its radical founding. This
March 23, 2017

Who Has the Power? My Journey into Swat Bureaucracy

Ever since the Board of Managers chose not to divest from fossil fuels, I’ve started envisioning the people “at the top” of the Swarthmore administration, who chose to ignore the strong student support of divestment. In my more dramatic moments, I imagined
March 16, 2017

In referendum, vote for divestment, vote for justice

From foreign conflict to inadequate healthcare to domestic militarized, racist policing, the government controlled by Donald Trump and the Republican Party has exacerbated existing problems, leaving widespread suffering and even death in its wake. But perhaps the issue around which the most
February 16, 2017

Divestment and the need for moral leadership on climate

On Monday, thousands of students and faculty at colleges, high schools, and even two middle schools across the nation walked out of class to reject the deadly climate denialism of the Trump administration and demand moral leadership from our institutions. Tuesday, the
January 26, 2017

Cherish our campus and climate

I have stopped appreciating how beautiful our campus is. Walking through the Amphitheater to admire the trees each day, only to rush onto Kohlberg or Trotter; leaving Sharples to admire the vibrantly quilted sky after dinner; and sitting under trees off of
October 6, 2016

Yale divested, why haven’t we?

In April, Yale University, which has one of the highest performing endowments in the world, announced that it would partially divest its endowment from fossil fuels, citing the financial risks of fossil fuel holdings. It began divesting simply by asking managers to
September 22, 2016
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