mental health

CAPS Returns To In-Person Services

Starting in Spring 2023, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) has resumed in-person meetings for individuals and groups. Due to ongoing COVID-19 concerns, all meetings were moved to Zoom as a way to accommodate health guidelines. CAPS has now adopted a hybrid system
February 9, 2023


Somehow, in just the first three weeks of this Fall semester, I managed both to forget to turn in a part of my musicianship homework and to try to analyze a poem that was frankly way too big to handle. So much
September 30, 2021

The High Price of Remote Learning

March marked one year of the pandemic. One year of “unprecedented times” and emails “hoping to find you well.” Unfortunately, not everyone has been well this year.  According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “Eighty percent of students around the
April 3, 2021

SGO Facilitates Open Dialogue with C.A.P.S.

On Feb. 11, Student Government Organization (SGO) hosted a talk with Interim Dean of Students Jim Terhune and the head of C.A.P.S., Dr. David Ramirez. The talk was part of a new series run by SGO and was intended to provide students
February 20, 2020

On Housing Accommodations and Student Disability Services

Swarthmore students at large do not need to worry about the housing lottery process until mid April, but the considerable number of students who need housing accommodations are facing a deadline this Friday in order to start the application process. With only
February 20, 2020

Students Receptive to C.A.P.S. Update, But Not Satisfied

In the first week of the Spring semester, Counseling and Psychological Services sent the campus community an email update on Swarthmore College’s mental health resources. The email, titled “C.A.P.S. Update,” shared how C.A.P.S. will implement changes to more effectively and equitably respond
February 6, 2020

Revamping Resilience

I woke up Sunday morning in the cold embrace of my depression, like a dumbbell balancing on my chest, weighing me down. Tears waterfalled down my face, I blubbered with sobs but felt absolutely nothing. No motivation to dry off my tears,
November 7, 2019
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