london calling

On sexual politics: shared games and intimacy

Sex is always political, especially at Swarthmore. We draft and redraft flirty texts like press releases, assuming that every detail will be scrutinized the same way we dissect the cryptic proposals we receive. If you gossip, your approval rating for last night’s
November 10, 2016

Am I always rejected because of technology?

“Hey sexy,” sent DICK LICKER over Grindr. And people say the age of romance is dead. Technology has equipped us millennials with a myriad of platforms and social media outlets to court, flirt or cruise in ways our older peers couldn’t dream
October 29, 2015

You may want to avoid those awkward glances

Well Swarthmore, here it is: new year, new ass. Disorientation, rumor has it (I had one cosmo too many to recall), was full of new couples, whether they were conjoined for one hazy night or more permanently, for that haphazardous miracle that
September 18, 2014

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