international students

Swat Thai and i20 Celebrate Thai New Year

On Friday, April 12, students gathered outside the InterCenter (IC) to play trivia, participate in water games, and enjoy Thai food to celebrate Songkran — Thai New Year — for an event held by Swat Thai and i20 Swarthmore International Club. Songkran
April 18, 2024

Why the I20 Fall Feast is Important to the Whole Campus

The Fall Feast is a remarkable annual event at Swarthmore for international students. During Fall Feast, chefs from different parts of the world cook food from their familiar cultural backgrounds. Students can either be an assistant to help one of the chefs
December 1, 2022

New Seed Grant Brings Translangualism to Swat

On November 7th, Professor Natalie Mera Ford, Swarthmore’s Multilingual Language Specialist and Visiting Assistant Professor in the English Department, alongside Professor Betty Litsinger, an English professor and the director of multilingual writing at Bryn Mawr, and Professor Barabra Hall, the multilingual and
December 5, 2019

Life as an International Student-Athlete

Swarthmore boasts a diverse student body, full of students with all sorts of talents, interests, and backgrounds. Although only 1640 undergraduates are enrolled at Swarthmore, 53 countries are represented at the college. Along with the distinct student population of Swarthmore comes a
October 4, 2018

Swarthmore: The Happiest Place on Earth

From the windows of the airplane that departed from the city I call home, I felt both dreadful and thrilled as I watched trees, cars, and skyscrapers disappear into the distance, replaced by fluffy, white clouds. It was not the first time
September 20, 2018

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