
Well, That Was a Mess

Wow. Just like that, my first year at Swarthmore is almost over. The days of claiming innocent naivety, being the baby on the block, and being able to ride the train of not knowing what the heck to major in are
April 26, 2018

The Hookup Rollercoaster

How do you write an article on the culture of hookups and relationships? This culture deserves a book because it is one of the most complex and ambiguous topics I have ever come across. With that being said, welcome to my column
January 26, 2017

That One Moment that makes us blush hardest

I have a theory. Almost everyone who has sex, has, at some point, had an awkward moment. I’m not saying there’s only one time sex is ever awkward, it’s kinda awkward a lot of times. But there is One Moment that makes
February 4, 2016

Swat Visually: A Sharples of Our Own

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. I won’t
February 17, 2015

The Tri-Co gets Friendsy

“Hey _____, Someone likes you!” reads the first line of a Friendsy invite email. It continues, “Someone from Swarthmore is interested in you and would like to see if you are interested as well!” The invitation to join the new friend/dating/hookup social
September 18, 2014

You may want to avoid those awkward glances

Well Swarthmore, here it is: new year, new ass. Disorientation, rumor has it (I had one cosmo too many to recall), was full of new couples, whether they were conjoined for one hazy night or more permanently, for that haphazardous miracle that
September 18, 2014

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