hookup culture

What It Is and What It Isn’t

It’s interesting how you can think one way about a particular thing and then learn something that blows your mind, leaving you to question so many different things. This happened to me this week, and it’s a lot of fun when this
April 13, 2017

The Hookup Rollercoaster

How do you write an article on the culture of hookups and relationships? This culture deserves a book because it is one of the most complex and ambiguous topics I have ever come across. With that being said, welcome to my column
January 26, 2017

Swiping your way through Swarthmore

Last August, dating entered an apocalyptic stage. The culprit? Tinder. “Hookup culture, which has been percolating for about a hundred years, has collided with dating apps, which have acted like a wayward meteor on the now dinosaur-like rituals of courtship,” Nancy
February 18, 2016

Swiping your way through Swarthmore

Last August, dating entered an apocalyptic stage. The culprit? Tinder. “Hookup culture, which has been percolating for about a hundred years, has collided with dating apps, which have acted like a wayward meteor on the now dinosaur-like rituals of courtship,” Nancy Jo
February 18, 2016

Envisioning radical consent

Practicing consent can be simultaneously easy, mandatory, difficult, and radical. At Swarthmore, we exist in a culture in which a drunken hookup is a clear violation of the sexual misconduct policy, yet still very typical and normalized. It can be challenging to
February 26, 2015

The Biggest Gay Bar on Earth Comes to Swarthmore

Seeking methods of hooking up and dating beyond alcohol-fueled makeout sessions on the Paces dance floor or dates at Sharples, some queer men at Swarthmore have turned to Grindr. Students and a professor described a variety of motivations behind using the digital
February 14, 2013

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