On Feb. 11, Senior Associate Dean of Student Life Nathan Miller sent the Swarthmore community an updated Garnet Pledge for the Spring semester. Miller announced that spectators are now authorized to attend all campus events, including athletic competitions. Furthermore, the updated Garnet
As cases of COVID-19 in Delaware county reach extreme highs, students travel back to campus to begin yet another atypical spring semester. President Valerie Smith announced in her Jan. 7 email that the college anticipates high COVID-19 positivity rates — unlike any
Since the implementation of the Garnet Pledge, the set of rules and guidelines intended to mitigate COVID-19 on Swarthmore’s campus that all students had to sign before the beginning of the semester, Public Safety infrastructure on campus has fundamentally changed. Before, students
The college has updated the Garnet Pledge, a set of expectations and precautions designed to make on-campus learning as safe as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike last semester when all alcohol was banned on campus, the college now allows students who
Editor’s Note: Several members of the Phoenix Editorial Board have signed this letter including our Editor Emeritus, Campus Journal Editor, and At-Large Editor.They were not involved in writing, the decision to publish this letter, or the editing process. Dear President Smith, Vice
What do we owe each other? This question has taken on a new meaning during the COVID-19 pandemic. To protect and ensure the safety of our shared community, the college has adopted a strict social contract known as the Garnet Pledge that
To: Editor of The Phoenix The article entitled “Garnet Pledge Violations Result in Revoked Housing Privileges” published on September 9 made several inaccurate claims about the event that precipitated the dismissal of eight students from campus. This gathering, while branded as a ‘party’
Update: As of Wednesday, September 23, 21 students have had their housing privileges revoked due to violations of the Garnet Pledge, according to Nathan Miller, Senior Associate Dean of Student Life. ———– On the evening of September 18, Public Safety responded to
Updates: A previous version of this article stated that students are not typically entitled to room and board refunds. We have since received more information about the specific treatment of these students from the Office of Student Engagement, and have updated the
On August 3, the College rolled out community health guidelines for students living on-campus during the fall semester. The new guidelines were devised by the Student Expectations Subcommittee which is composed of students, faculty, and staff. The aim of the new guidelines