fraternity - Page 2

No action on approved referendum

Last semester, the campus voted in favor of a referendum that Greek organizations admit students of all genders. However, no action to enforce this proposal has been taken. The movement began on February 14, when a group of students petitioned for a
September 19, 2013

Kappa Alpha Theta Chapter Official at Swarthmore

Eighty years after a lengthy battle to abolish sororities, Swarthmore saw the official reestablishment of a Kappa Alpha Theta (KAØ) chapter on campus this past weekend. Sixty-five girls received bids from the national organization after a week of flyers, pins and brochures,
February 7, 2013

Party Shutdown Causes Controversy

After local police and Public Safety officers broke up four parties on a Saturday night shortly before the end of fall semester, students waged a heated debate about drinking culture and fraternities on campus in the comments section of a Daily Gazette
January 24, 2013

Phi Psi and DU Aim To Dispel Fraternity Stereotypes

Amid charges of discrimination and recurring hazing allegations, schools such as the University of Alabama, where almost 40 percent of students belong to Greek organizations, have cancelled pledging activities this fall. At Princeton University, in an effort to curb excessive and underage
October 25, 2012

Referendum Against Sorority Gains Prominence

As is now common knowledge across campus, the student group, Not Yet Sisters (NYS), worked with the college’s administration last semester to establish a sorority at Swarthmore that will open it doors to the community in Spring 2013. As students returned to
September 6, 2012

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