
The Rising Tide of Inflation Arrives at Swarthmore

Upon returning to campus for the Fall 2022 semester, many Swatties were shocked by price increases at dining facilities such as the Science Center Cafe, Kohlberg Coffee Bar, and Essie Mae’s. Most items increased in price due to several economic factors, including

Alternative Eats

Most students can agree that Swarthmore isn’t the most culinarily diverse or accomplished school. It isn’t uncommon to hear students complaining in Sharples about the quality or variety of the food. Due to our distance from the metropolitan area, we are often


Diners digest changes to meal plan as price rises

This semester, Swarthmore’s Dining Services team will introduce several changes to Sharples Dining Hall, Essie Mae’s Snackbar and the Science Center coffee bar. Discussing potential stages and evaluating student feedback since the fall of 2012, the team has mostly directed changes toward