election - Page 3

General Election 2022: What are the Stakes?

Although the Pennsylvania general election does not take place until Nov. 8, committed Swarthmore students and on-campus organizations such as Swarthmore Democrats and the non-partisan voting group SwatVotes, have begun mobilizing their efforts towards voter registration and increasing voter turnout. According to
September 15, 2022

Students Prioritize Stakes, Flock to Joe Biden

Given the unprecedented momentum of the upcoming presidential election, students at the college seem to be more inclined than ever to participate in politically-affiliated activities, both in-person and at home. These activities range from personal activism to far-reaching voting initiatives, as well
November 3, 2020

Swarthmore Community Pushes to Get Out the vote

Despite Swarthmore’s widely-held reputation as a college committed to democratic engagement, more than half of Swarthmore students did not exercise their civic right to vote in the 2016 and 2018 elections. Seeking to rectify this shortcoming and placing a high value on
October 30, 2020

What’s on Your Ballot? November 5th Election

Next Tuesday, November 5, Swarthmore students registered in the state of Pennsylvania, can go to the polls to vote in local and state elections. Here’s a guide to the candidates and races. The positions are listed in the order they’ll appear on
October 31, 2019

SGO refocuses on student input

In an effort to move on from mass resignations and overall lack of voter participation that occurred in the spring semester, the Student Government Organization (SGO) is embracing student voices and looking for better ways to advocate the needs and interests of
September 26, 2019

Voter Suppression in North Dakota Must Be Stopped

One of the most important battlegrounds for determining which party controls the Senate this year is one of the most sparsely populated states, North Dakota. Without a victory in North Dakota, the Democrats’ path to control of the Senate was almost impossible,
November 8, 2018
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