divestment - Page 15

Time to divest: An open letter

We, the undersigned, representing many of the majors and minors of the English department at Swarthmore College, are writing to express our support for the movement to divest college endowments from fossil fuels and reinvest in sustainable solutions to the climate crisis.
October 23, 2014

Clarifying the divestment theory of change

Since its inception at Swarthmore College just three years ago, the fossil fuel divestment movement has grown to over 500 campaigns worldwide, becoming the fastest growing divestment movement in history, and has begun to shift societal conscience and change the discourse around
October 9, 2014

Students join in People’s Climate March

The People’s Climate March in New York City drew approximately 400,000 people last Sunday, 200 of whom were members of the college. The march, which lasted over five hours and spanned at least thirty blocks of Manhattan’s upper west side and midtown
September 25, 2014

Divestment is possible and necessary

The movement to divest from fossil fuels started at Swarthmore in the Spring of 2011. It’s time that the institution from which the movement grew support it. Swarthmore needs to divest, and it needs to do it now. An increasing number of
September 25, 2014

A game-changer for the climate movement

This was a game-changing weekend for the international climate justice movement. On Sunday, 400,000 people, including 200 from the college, marched through the streets of New York City in what was the largest climate march in history. Hundreds of thousands more joined
September 25, 2014

MJ confident in its goals after divestment victories across country

2014 has been a crucial year for the fossil fuel divestment movement. In April, Blackrock, the world’s biggest fund manager, created a fossil-free fund for its investors and placing divestment in the financial mainstream. In May, Stanford University divested its $18.7 billion
September 11, 2014

Confronting the climate crisis

Later this month, world leaders will gather at the United Nations for an unprecedented climate summit in hopes of drafting an international climate agreement by 2015 to address rising greenhouse gas emissions. The stakes are incredibly high. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on
September 11, 2014

As Chopp departs, divestment goes mainstream

Rebecca Chopp was the first college president to ever respond to a fossil fuel divestment campaign. Before the movement exploded into more than 500 campaigns worldwide, before Desmond Tutu, Jon Huntsman and many others endorsed the international movement, President Chopp set the
September 4, 2014

Reflections on the 2014 Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence

Earlier this month, I traveled to San Francisco State University, the first public university to commit to fossil fuel divestment, where I joined over 200 students from divestment campaigns around the country for the 2nd Annual Student Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence. The
April 24, 2014

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