
A Plea for More Diversity of Thought on Campus

The rise and subsequent entrenchment of woke culture – wherein individuals adopt an obsessive and blinkered approach towards civil rights issues – in higher education institutions has resulted in the erosion of intellectual rigor that flows from nuanced debate around contested issues.
December 1, 2022

Ending 150 Years of Republican Rule in Delaware County

Bringing an end to 150 years of uninterrupted Republican political control, the Democrats of Delaware County made history in this week’s elections by winning control of the Delaware County Council. The Democrats now occupy all five seats on the County Council. Delaware
November 7, 2019

Dems Win House and Sweep Delco, Swat Turnout Strong

Tuesday, November 6 was a historic night for elections both in Swarthmore and across the country due to upsets and voter turnout, the latter of which was considerably higher from Swarthmore students than in 2014. On the national level, Democrats won back
November 8, 2018

New GOTV Committee Aims to Boost Low Student Voter Turnout

Only 24.8 percent of registered Swarthmore students voted in the 2014 midterm elections, a percentage lower than the national average for college students. Swarthmore staff and students on the Get Out the Vote, or GOTV, committee, which President Smith organized this February,
October 25, 2018

Congressional candidates debate gun policy at forum

On Monday, April 30, Delaware County United for Sensible Gun Policy held a forum at the college for candidates running in the 5th congressional district primaries on May 15th. The forum, which lasted about two and a half hours, was held to
May 3, 2018

Pa. gerrymandering ruling moves college into competitive 7th district

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court released a new congressional map on February 19th. The map was a remedy the Republican-majority Pa. General Assembly gerrymandering that occurred under the 2011 Pennsylvania Congressional Redistricting Act. The Supreme Court created a new non-partisan map that allows
March 8, 2018

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