dance - Page 3

Rhythm N Motion Energizes Swarthmore’s Mainstage

Last Friday, Swarthmore College and Bryn Mawr College’s bi-college dance group, Rhythm N Motion, put on a show-stopping performance on the Lang Performing Arts main stage. After having collaborated with Terpsichore for previous performances, this semester RnM took to the stage by
April 24, 2019

Swarthmore Dancers Audition to Perform in Fall Cooper Series

As students start planning for Fall 2019 courses, clubs, and all other challenging and creative aspects of Swat life, a new opportunity has appeared on the horizon for the Swarthmore College dance department. Doug Varone & Dancers, a renowned dance company based
April 11, 2019

Swarthmore Dancers Move in New Directions with Hubbard Street

The 2019 Cooper Series kicked off its season with the acclaimed contemporary dance company Hubbard Street and music group Third Coast Percussion. Company member Alicia Delgadillo, who has danced with Hubbard Street for five seasons, taught two master classes on Thursday, February
February 14, 2019

Lenny Seidman’s ARC: A Reconciliation of Diverse Traditions

Lenny Seidman’s latest project “ARC”a full length performance suite that combines tabla and taiko drumming with contemporary dance and Japanese butoh, was presented at Swarthmore College on October 5th, 2018. “ARC” derives its name from the intention of the performance: to identify
October 11, 2018

RnM, Terpsichore, and Ajoyo Spring Show a Success

The Rhythm and Motion and Terpsichore show on Friday, one of the most anticipated and attended performances of the year, exceeded expectations. The show consisted of thirteen RnM pieces and five from Terpsichore, with one piece from the Bryn Mawr group Ajoyo.
April 26, 2018

Dance students encounter obstacles accessing physical therapy

Dance students at Swarthmore have access to physical therapy on campus to help treat injuries. However, there has been no direct, convenient way for students training in dance classes at the college to see a physical therapist, particularly one who has experience
March 29, 2018

A Taste of Home on Lunar New Year

My parents and I never ran out of plates to use⸺ unless it was Lunar New Year. On that special occasion, we cooked up a storm. We adorned our dining table with dumplings, vegetable stir fry, braised pork, spiced beef, and many
February 22, 2018

Making Black Magic

For the past two weeks, the Frear Ensemble Theater has undergone curious transformations. The seemingly ordinary black box theater became a vehicle hurtling through time and space, transporting audiences to sugar cane fields, cotton fields, and communes; to mystical destinations of unreality;
February 15, 2018

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