covid-19 - Page 4

A Gap in Group Leadership

The Phoenix is a student-published paper that has been in print since 1881. In its time, it has fostered students’ passion for writing, arts, politics, and whatever else drove people to put pen to paper. It has been the proving ground for
September 9, 2021

Students Look Towards the Summer for Research Opportunities

As COVID-19 cases continue to drop and vaccination rates continue to rise across the country, many Swarthmore students look forward to what experiences the summer will bring. For some students, their plans this summer revolve around on- and off- campus research through
May 8, 2021

COVID-19 Planning Group Announces New Outdoor Masking Policy

The increasing number of students receiving COVID-19 vaccines, coupled with the CDC’s easing of mask-wearing restrictions outdoors, raises new questions about campus COVID policies surrounding mask-wearing. In light of these updates, the College’s COVID-19 Planning Group announced new masking and visitor policies
May 8, 2021

A Note on Last Week’s Article

Last week I wrote an Opinions piece about vaccine hesitancy and the need for Swarthmore to require vaccinations for all its students. This was a short piece, written more or less off-the-cuff after seeing a news article about vaccine exemptions. Unfortunately, this
April 23, 2021

What Swarthmore Students Did During Spring Break

Last year, the college extended the ongoing spring break when COVID became a pandemic and the entire country shut down for quarantine. This year, many colleges in the U.S. had no spring break at all. At Swarthmore, this year’s spring break was
April 16, 2021
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