covid-19 - Page 3

The Phoenix Is Back in Print

The very first issue of The Phoenix was printed on December 1, 1881. Its inaugural editorial board was a group of eleven students with a desire to provide their community with an advocate for truth and independence through fair and honest journalism.
October 7, 2021

No, We Are Not Okay: It is Time We Pop the Bubble

We students talk a lot about the Swarthmore “bubble” — that invisible structure that keeps us isolated from the outside world in our ivory tower of academia. Yes, we sometimes venture into Philly and Chester and the surrounding community, but by and large,
September 16, 2021

Full Occupancy: Housing Circumstances During Fall 2021

With the Fall 2021 semester underway, students are beginning to shift focus and concerns away from their housing situations to academics. As the college returns to full student occupancy on campus, however, living arrangements have proved to be another challenge for both
September 9, 2021
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