Contemporary Dance

Terpsichore Showcases Range in Dynamic Spring Performance

This past Saturday, the student dance collective Terpsichore held its Spring concert to showcase the work it has done this semester. The group, named after the Greek muse of dance, consists of about forty dancers of varying levels of experience. The show
April 25, 2019

Christopher K. Morgan and Artists comes to Swat

While most Swatties were gradually adjusting to campus life in early September, Lia D’Alessandro ’21 was sweating it out in Troy Dance Lab. “We had a tough weekend dancing from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day,” she said. “We were hungry,
October 25, 2018

Lenny Seidman’s ARC: A Reconciliation of Diverse Traditions

Lenny Seidman’s latest project “ARC”a full length performance suite that combines tabla and taiko drumming with contemporary dance and Japanese butoh, was presented at Swarthmore College on October 5th, 2018. “ARC” derives its name from the intention of the performance: to identify
October 11, 2018

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