college basketball

Men’s Basketball Back on Top

There is no doubt Swarthmore men’s basketball has proved their worth all season long. With a 24-3 overall record and 16-2 conference record, they have showcased themselves as the team to beat. But after a shaky end to their regular season play,
March 2, 2023

So You Know Nothing about March Madness?

To your dismay, the time has come when Swarthmore’s campus is once again talking about sports. The glorious few weeks since the Super Bowl that saw the student body sadly slump back into an academic slumber have come and gone. Now, talk
April 4, 2019

Pay-for-Play Scandal Rocks College Basketball World

Brian Bowen Sr., the father of a top college basketball prospect, recently testified in court, revealing that his family was offered tens of thousands of dollars in cash for his son to play at several major college programs. The father detailed that
November 1, 2018

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