
The Week in Headlines

New Covid Variant and Life Form Simultaneously Evolve in Primordial Soup of Swat Prom  Looking to Attract More Students, McCabe Library to Allow Smoking Indoors Small Craft Warnings and Kitao Gallery Showcase Jonathan Franzen’s Nudes in Collaborative Exhibition  RA Hosts Event Revealing
April 1, 2022
Students looking at wine in the Swarthmore CO-OP's wine aisle

Wining, Whining, and Winning at the CO-OP

Since 2020, the Swarthmore CO-OP has offered a selection of beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages, helping to fulfill the needs of a campus with a substantial student body living entirely off of repressed feelings and Natty Light. My experience with alcohol
February 17, 2022

Taking a closer look at the CO-OP

The Swarthmore CO-OP has been a part of the Swarthmore community for over 80 years, and its status as the only grocery store in the ville makes it popular among both residents of the borough and students. The college’s relationship with the
October 12, 2017

Endless Possibilities, Aisle One

They say ignorance is bliss. They’re wrong. I’ve been at Swarthmore for nearly four months and I’m here to tell you, that when I went to the Co-Op for the first time on a sunny afternoon in late November and, rid of
December 1, 2016

Co-Op pricing explained by business model

The new OneCard system means more students than ever are shopping in the Ville, which includes the local grocery store, the Swarthmore Cooperative Community Food Market commonly referred to as the “Co-Op.” The grocery store carries items like those at Whole Foods,
October 27, 2016

Alternative Eats

Most students can agree that Swarthmore isn’t the most culinarily diverse or accomplished school. It isn’t uncommon to hear students complaining in Sharples about the quality or variety of the food. Due to our distance from the metropolitan area, we are often
October 3, 2013

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