
How & Where to Thrift at Swarthmore

Now is a better time than ever to thrift. With the increasing popularity of “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,” a new Netflix original show that follows bestselling author and organization expert Marie Kondo, the United States has been in a decluttering craze.
February 14, 2019

Message received

Hey all you beautiful swatties, I’m your new trend/fashion/culture columnist. Extremely excited and honored as I am to write you guys about fashion, I still feel reluctant to call myself a fashion columnist. I’ve never read a single issue of Vogue, nor
March 3, 2016

What’s Ur Quirk?

This week’s CJ theme is “Quirky.” I was a little baffled when I heard that. I’ve been called quirky enough times to wonder if maybe it’s true, and if maybe my column is in fact actually always quirky. But I think before
April 2, 2015

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