climate change - Page 5

Divestment an empty gesture, college seeks better solutions

I write on behalf of the Swarthmore College Board of Managers to reaffirm our commitment to stem climate change through a serious, community-based approach. Further, I aim to explain the board’s position regarding divestment of the college’s endowment from fossil fuel companies.
November 20, 2014

Heating needs make reducing footprint difficult

With all of the concern about climate change, it is important that we step back to examine the college’s role in trying to achieve some level of sustainability while coming to terms with a common understanding of what sustainability means. In a
November 20, 2014

What midterms mean for the climate movement

Last week’s losses by Democrats in the midterm elections definitely do not bode well for action on climate change — or for a range of progressive issues such as women’s and immigrant’s rights. Climate change denier James Inhofe (R-OK) will be replacing
November 13, 2014

The power and promise of divestment

As Arjun Raghuraman ’16 wrote in his column last week, climate change is causing grave harm to millions around the world, and it has similarly an incredibly devastating potential for future destruction. The humanitarian organization DARA estimates that our fossil fuel economy
October 30, 2014

A game-changer for the climate movement

This was a game-changing weekend for the international climate justice movement. On Sunday, 400,000 people, including 200 from the college, marched through the streets of New York City in what was the largest climate march in history. Hundreds of thousands more joined
September 25, 2014

Confronting the climate crisis

Later this month, world leaders will gather at the United Nations for an unprecedented climate summit in hopes of drafting an international climate agreement by 2015 to address rising greenhouse gas emissions. The stakes are incredibly high. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on
September 11, 2014

Students attend climate change convention in Warsaw

The college recently sent three representatives, Alex Ahn ’15, Laura Rigell ’15 and Environmental Studies Program Chair Carol Nackenoff, to Warsaw, Poland to participate in the 19th United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Following a visit from Christiana Figueres ’79,
November 21, 2013
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