
Students Raise Accessibility Concerns Amid Increased Construction

Increased construction and the recent heat wave have exacerbated pre-existing accessibility issues on campus. Routes to classes are longer and more variable, resulting in frustration among the student body. In an interview with The Phoenix, Rose West ’26 shared concerns she had
September 28, 2023

Strike for the Climate, Strike for Our Lives

The climate crisis presents the greatest threat to humanity. It has already wrought unprecedented devastation, but the worst is yet to come. We cannot sit by as the world burns and floods. We must demand that our government recognize that the climate
September 19, 2019

Rethinking the Way We Talk About Climate Change

In my Introduction to Environmental Studies class, one of our first projects was about climate communication. In order to be a compelling environmental activist, we reasoned, you have to be able to start productive conversations with the vast majority of Americans, most
March 28, 2019

Let’s Put Climate Over Culture

Climate change is real and it is happening right now. Maybe the changes are not happening in an obviously wild or visual way, but it cannot be denied that climate change is occurring and we as a nation are doing little to
February 28, 2019

Swarthmore Should Commit More Fully to Climate Action

On January 29, Middlebury College announced its “Energy2028” plan that commits the school to convert to 100 percent renewable energy by 2028. This commitment includes moving to 100 percent renewable energy for electric and thermal power, reducing energy consumption by 25 percent,
February 21, 2019

Mountain Justice Joins National Group Sunrise, Broadens Goals

After a busy past year, Mountain Justice is rebranding. They’ve joined Sunrise, a national “movement to stop climate change and create millions of jobs in the process,” according to their website. “Last year I remember hearing about Mountain Justice just about every
September 21, 2017

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