campus life - Page 3

Who Drew the Dicks?

The best fiction is always rooted in reality. Even in science fiction and fantasy, where the superficial appeal is the upheaval of the social constructs we all know and duly despise, what grounds us to the fantastical narratives is human emotion. The
March 5, 2021

A complex case of repurposing Sharples

Dining halls shape your college experience. Not only does it provide you with the food you need to sustain your daily routine, it also serves as a social space where students can relax, hang out together, or meet new faces they have
December 7, 2017

What you love to hate about Swarthmore

How better to start an article about hating things than by explaining how much Swatties love to complain? If we simply look at the classic, “Anywhere else, it would’ve been an A,” phrase, a sense of gripe seems to envelope the student
February 9, 2017

Kitao proposes “Campus Arts Initiative”

Last Thursday, the co-directors of Kitao Gallery, Tara Giangrande ’16 and Deborah Krieger ’16, sent out a campus wide notice of Kitao’s proposal for a Community Development Grant for the 2016-2017 academic year. The proposal, titled “Kitao Campus Arts Initiative” outlines an
February 18, 2016

College expands one card access

As a new initiative to modernize, the college is expanding key card access to dorms, academic buildings, and other areas in the near future. This expanded access will allow improvements in campus security and meal plans, among other benefits. Termed OneCard, the
January 28, 2016

Noémi Fernández wants to give you a pep talk

If you’ve never been to her office in the Matchbox, you may know her from her supportive posts to Yik Yak, or her recent appearance in your inbox. Together with Josh Ellow, the Alcohol and Other Drugs Counselor, and Nina Harris, the
December 3, 2015

Transformational softball (No, really)

This spring, we’ve seen an increase in events that we at the Phoenix believe legitimately build community, including the intramural softball league, Spring Fling on Saturday, and, we anticipate, the upcoming Worthstock-LSE combined event. The intramural softball league has transformed the Sunday
April 23, 2015

McCabe exhibit proves and takes pride in Black life on campus

“It was as if blacks were invisible,” reads a quote from an anonymous Swarthmore alumna, understated and in tiny font on the wall directly across from the entrance to McCabe Library. Referencing the presence of Black students on Swarthmore’s campus and carefully
February 18, 2015

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