campus journal

Semester in Review

During this fall semester, The Phoenix collectively dedicated ourselves to living up to our new mission statement: “We, The Phoenix, aim to empower and serve our community through timely and relevant coverage, continually striving for a fuller grasp of excellence, accuracy, and
December 1, 2022

Editorial: We Have Too Many Writers

Since publishing our previous editorial detailing all the different ways to be a part of The Phoenix, we have been flooded by a deluge of article contributions. So hear us out: please stop writing for us! We have never had a problem
April 1, 2022

The Tree of Us in a March Chinook

In the spring of 2018, I paused on the steep, tightly coiled stairs that lead up to the third floor of Beardsley, catching my breath. I was on my way to a class that I was more excited about than any class
May 7, 2021

Reflections On My Arrival At Swarthmore

Imagine for a moment you are in a parachute. You can see beneath you. It looks scary, yet exciting. Landing approaches. The canopy is opening. At any moment you will hit the ground. The anticipation of impacting the earth when you touch
March 19, 2021

Top 5 Places to Cry on Campus

We’ve all been there. You tried to do your reading of over 200+ pages in one night, you didn’t comprehend a single word with all of the academic showmanship, you feel like an imposter who doesn’t belong at this school, and you’re
March 5, 2021

Who Drew the Dicks?

The best fiction is always rooted in reality. Even in science fiction and fantasy, where the superficial appeal is the upheaval of the social constructs we all know and duly despise, what grounds us to the fantastical narratives is human emotion. The
March 5, 2021
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