
Swarthmore Borough To Enforce Bag Fee for Businesses

The Swarthmore Borough’s recent ordinance banning single-use products and noncompliant paper bags was met with mixed reactions from the campus community and local residents. Since Jan. 8, 2024, retail establishments have been banned from providing single-use plastic bags and polystyrene products such
March 7, 2024

Pa. gerrymandering ruling moves college into competitive 7th district

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court released a new congressional map on February 19th. The map was a remedy the Republican-majority Pa. General Assembly gerrymandering that occurred under the 2011 Pennsylvania Congressional Redistricting Act. The Supreme Court created a new non-partisan map that allows
March 8, 2018

College and borough collaborate effectively despite tensions

With a student population one-fourth the size of the town it inhabits, the college maintains a considerable presence in the town of Swarthmore. The two bodies have shared the same space for 153 years, and while there have been tensions, community members
November 2, 2017

Borough responds to concerns about roundabout

The construction on Chester Road, the most visible of the College’s projects, continues to face significant opposition from a small but vocal group of borough residents. A lawsuit to halt this particular construction project, led by attorney Patricia Biswanger and several community
October 23, 2014

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