Barack Obama - Page 5

Solyndra scandal compromises US energy policy

I think we can all agree that the still unfolding Solyndra debacle is not going to end well for the President — even if allegations of corruption are unsubstantiated. Things are so bad for Obama that no “spin” is necessary to make
September 22, 2011

Voter identification laws should be a non-issue

Aside from an economy that’s going haywire, an obstinate Libyan dictator, and a mushrooming level of debt, U.S. officials are sparring over an issue that seems oddly antiquated and minor. Texas, Alabama, Kansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, Wisconsin, and Rhode Island recently passed
September 15, 2011

The elusive independent

If political strategists are to be believed, there is one creature in American politics that trumps all, an elusive beast whom, if tamed, ensures electoral hegemony. Elections, we are told, are about independent voters. This zealous faith in the ‘moderate independent’ has
September 15, 2011
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