Barack Obama - Page 3

Where’s the Policy? Candidates Leave Us Guessing

President Obama and Governor Romney each seek to cast 2012 as the most important election year in modern memory — Obama by claiming that the middle class will suffer under his opponent and Romney by forecasting a fiscal crisis in a second
September 13, 2012

Inherit the Wind: Obama and the economy

As legend has it, Rip van Winkle woke up from a 20-year snooze to find America had won the Revolutionary War. Colonial portraits of George III were replaced with the humbler George Washington. Flip your storybook forward to 2012. The United States
August 30, 2012

Mars Rover inspires wonder … and budget cuts

You couldn’t have missed it. Curiosity — NASA’s $2.5 billion dollar planetary rover that was years in the making — was an awesome demonstration of NASA’s engineering prowess, and a reminder that there are still entire worlds left for mankind to explore.
August 30, 2012

Game Change 2012: our stakes in the upcoming election

Staff Editorial As we plod through the Republican primaries and steadily approach the 2012 presidential election, several key issues continue not only to plague our collective conscience, but also to stifle any hope for complete progress. The political arena has responded garishly,
April 26, 2012

The “Buffet Rule” and the politics of taxation

Staff Editorial Isolating the multitude of inequalities that are inherent to our contemporary social structures is a reasonably effortless task. From health care to environmental policy, our notions of justice and liberty for all in a society are counteracted and replaced with
April 19, 2012

Supreme Court “partisanship” severely overblown

Supreme Court is a tempting target. It’s easy to spot the justices, their black robes giving them away against Washington’s white marble. Two-thirds of Americans can’t name a single justice, and most of Constitutional law is too dense for waiting-room reading. The
April 12, 2012

Overturning Obamacare is not ‘judicial activism’

What do you do when you are a sitting president, your reelection campaign is just beginning, and there is a high likelihood that the Supreme Court of the United States will overturn your signature piece of legislation (or the most important portion
April 5, 2012

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