art - Page 18

On the top floor of Beardsley, hidden treasures

Maybe it is telling of the college’s Quaker roots that in order to see some student artwork you go into the gray art building, walk up four flights of gray stairs into a gray hallway with no signs or decorations or resources
January 22, 2015

Let’s meander towards student art

With the much-lambasted Crum Creek Meander finally removed this past week, we are curious to see what public art will be gracing our campus next. A suggestion: let it be student art. In past years, the college has had a number of
November 13, 2014

Sketching out a new foundation

In Professor Logan Grider’s Foundation Drawing class, students stand and assemble in a circle of easels arranged around a chosen subject of study. A nonparticipating observer (a rare presence in the class) has two options: constantly move around inside the circle catching
October 23, 2014

Mushroom tones

Jackson Hart ’17 arrived 20 minutes early to our interview, but had disappeared by the time I was set up for the meeting. He wanted to be interviewed outside in the sun, where the pink stone in his ear glittered impishly. Tucked
September 18, 2014
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