american politics

California Students Break from Democrats

Much ado is made each year about youth participation in politics. In order to boost turnout amongst youngsters, each year California holds a “mock election” in its high schools where students are able to cast votes for each of the issues that
October 24, 2024
Trump giving a speech on the campaign trail.

A Wake-Up Call

A recent poll from respected pollster Angus Reid shows that 46% of Democrats won’t accept the 2024 election results if Joe Biden doesn’t win – and 7% will doubt the results no matter the victor. The problem for American democracy is not
February 8, 2024

We Already Have a Multi-Party System, At Least In Congress

On Tuesday afternoon, eight Republicans — one moderate, one establishment, and six hardline — joined with 208 Democrats to remove Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker of the House. This leaves, effectively, 210 Republicans in support of McCarthy, 208 Democrats in favor of
October 5, 2023

America First, or America Only?

At the dawn of this new decade, the American electorate stands poised to select the next President, a decision that will affect not just the U.S but the entire world. The world, however, seems of little interest to U.S. voters. While hot-button
February 27, 2020

Stephen Walt: Foreign policy-wise, Trump is much of the same

Phi Beta Kappa lecturer and foreign policy expert Stephen Walt offered harsh criticism of the American foreign policy establishment last Thursday, Oct. 26. In his talk, titled “Where is U.S. Foreign Policy Headed?” Walt argued that foreign policy under president Trump is
November 2, 2017

Statement on kneeling during anthem

Dear Friends, This past week, President Trump released several tweets chastising athletes who have not stood during the national anthem as well as those who have declined White House invitations. His blanket critique speaks to a reckless pattern of racist sentiment that
October 5, 2017

Why Hillary Won the Debate, and Must Win the Election

While media pundits and public polls seemed to initially diverge in their findings in the immediate aftermath of the first Democratic debate, the results seem to have become homogenous in the week after: Hillary Clinton won the debate in the eyes of
October 22, 2015

Not feeling the Bern: why Sanders would be a disaster

I’m a pretty liberal dude. But I’m not going to vote for Bernie Sanders. Some of it is electoral mathematics. A drawn-out primary fight is a dangerous proposition for the Democrats, and one Senator Sanders is likely to lose. But say I’m
September 3, 2015

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