admissions - Page 5

College admits 12 percent of applicants

Twelve percent of applicants were offered admission to Swarthmore College’s Class of 2019. The college announced earlier this week that that it had accepted 950 of 7,817 applicants. These numbers indicate a 5-percent decrease in admission rate from last year’s admissions cycle,
April 2, 2015

Colleges absorb outside scholarships, parent contribution unchanged

Three weeks ago, the Phoenix published an op-ed by Casey Simon-Plumb ’18 about Swarthmore’s financial aid policy. In her piece, Simon-Plumb wrote about her disappointment after discovering that outside scholarship awards are partially surrendered to the college as part of their financial
October 23, 2014

The Truth about the ‘Sports Sway’

Despite its reputation amongst our hometown friends and neighbors as either a word that doesn’t exist or a mispronunciation of Hogwarts, Swarthmore is an incredibly difficult school to get into. Although there is no known magical formula that will merit an acceptance
September 4, 2014

Number of international freshman increases

Incoming freshman Shruti Pal’s reasons for choosing Swarthmore College are similar to those of many Swatties. “I heard about Swarthmore through some school friends who had applied in the years before me, and so I visited Swarthmore last summer along with several
September 4, 2014

Ride the Tide draws high turnout

This year, 361 prospective students attended Ride the Tide, the college’s annual event for admitted students. Despite the fact that the college received 1000 less fewer applicants this year, this is the second highest total of attendees in the history of the
May 1, 2014

141 students admitted under Early Decision I

Following issues with the Common Application website, including not allowing students to log onto the website and not marking completed tasks as finished, the college extended the application deadlines for Regular Decision and Winter Early Decision from January 1 to January 15.
January 23, 2014
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