activism - Page 2

Journalism As Activism: A Talk With Photojournalist Marcio Pimenta

On Feb. 19 and 20, Marcio Pimenta, an internationally-recognized freelance photographer and journalist, held a student talk and public lecture discussing entry into the journalism profession and the activism aspect of the industry. Pimenta’s two events were sponsored by the Lang Center
February 27, 2020

Athletes Have an Obligation to be Activists

Throughout history, athletes have demonstrated that they can and should take active roles in the fight for justice. Muhammad Ali personifies the greatness, both in physical ability and in advocacy, that all athletes should strive for. On April 28, 1967, Ali refused
September 26, 2019

Russia in the 90s: Poetry and Revolution

As today’s media becomes increasingly politicized, polarized, and privatized, cultural journalism has taken a step back. The Trump-era news cycle has dichotomized the reading experience into an all-or-nothing approach. Many either find themselves inundated with ever-increasing political entanglements or become so overwhelmed
February 14, 2019

Radical Reimagination

Following the brave coordinated action of the Sunrise Movement at Minority Leader Pelosi’s office to push for a Green New Deal on November 13, I have been inspired to write. Those of us currently without the guts to be activists need to
December 6, 2018
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