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A new case for veganism

It’s time for a new justification for veganism—one that willfully neglects the old strategies of conversion. That veganism is healthier or better for the environment than other ways of eating is probably at least slightly if not completely true, but is ultimately
September 12, 2013

After the Syllabus, Beach Tomes

The upcoming summer away from Swarthmore means a rare window of reading books not dictated by sylabi.  For those for whom sudden litereary freedom might be intimidating,  here is a list of summer recommended reads followed by choice selections from Swarthmore English
May 2, 2013

A Portrait of the Sharples Re-designers

For Professor Min Kyung Lee of the Art History Department, architecture is not “strictly a technical practice,” but is rather about “being able to produce and come up with an idea … [to] find an aesthetic and functional and socially and environmentally
April 18, 2013

MISERY POKER//HOW DO SWATTIES FEEL ABOUT THEIR WORKLOAD?But many of us “frequently feel overwhelmed by my work.” | Create infographics
April 13, 2013

A Conversation with Professor X

I’ve jokingly stated many many times, “I’m pretty sure Professor X thinks that we only have work from his class. Do you see this? (holds up pack of readings that necessarily must be stapled with the big orange and grey stapler in
March 28, 2013
Ariel Finegold '13 dances with friends

Macbeth Preview

“Get ready, witches, and stand by, Lady M!” The curtains open on the Yellow Stocking Player’s mainstage debut of “Macbeth” this Friday, marking the end of a far more grueling tech week than cast members are typically subjected to. Transitioning from Olde
February 28, 2013

Swatties Screw their Roommates

Components required for a successful Screw: a costume (preferably embarrassing), dinner on a paper plate, a sense of humor, and hopefully a reliable roommate. Screw Your Roommate is one of those Swat marvels that could only happen here, and it remains one
February 21, 2013
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