Opinion - Page 199

It’s Time to leave Afghanistan

Like the overwhelming majority of conservative commentators, David Brooks of The New York Times has come out in favor of sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan. Underlying his perspective is a tacit, and utterly wrong, assumption: that winning in Afghanistan is crucial
November 10, 2009

October 30th, 1929- The Day a Cow Entered Parrish

In the wake of Halloween, I think it’s appropriate to celebrate the 80th anniversary of one of the more wonderful pranks ever pulled at Swarthmore: the Cow Episode. On December 4, 1929, the editor of the Phoenix received a letter from the
November 4, 2009

The 2009 World Series According to a Mets Fan

On Monday night, when the Phillies beat the Yankees 8-6, I did something I never thought I would ever do—I cheered for the Phillies. But I didn’t just cheer; I pumped my fist, jumped around, and—perhaps most disturbingly—experienced happiness. Now, I could
November 3, 2009

Class Inequality and Seminar Breaks

Swarthmore students already attend school here at considerable expense, and seminar breaks are a lurking expenditure that isn’t technically required, but can’t be avoided for students taking a seminar. Naturally, the extent to which a student is capable of paying for seminar
November 3, 2009

Nixon at the Movies

The Vietnam War gave us the M-16 rifle and new uses for Agent Orange. It also allowed the last president of the US to turn executive privilege into a malign political energy that powered Hollywood’s Silver Age in the early ‘70s. So
October 21, 2009

Settling In, Coming Out

Your October Break was the first week of classes at the Free University of Berlin for 31,000 students, 415 professors, and one Lauren Stokes. It was also my first week selling tickets at the Gay Museum of Berlin.
October 19, 2009


From Parrish Parlors to middle-of-the-night fire alarms, love can strike anywhere at Swarthmore.
October 19, 2009

The Football Controversy Through The Ages

In 1982, sports headlines across the nation read: "Football Surge Hurting Swarthmore's Image," "College Shuns Winning," and "Winning Tarnishes Academic Reputation." With an unprecedented eight-game winning streak, the media ran with a narrative that Swarthmore was ashamed of its successful football team.
October 7, 2009
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The Phoenix