Columnists - Page 25

Missing the Boat

To the people who are “late to the game”: you are most likely a lot better off than you think you are, because you have been watching the rest of us screw up for years.
May 6, 2011

Breaking Free of the Swarthmore Dating Binary

For some reason, somewhere along the way, all romantic entanglements here are forced into this binary of Hookup or Swat Marriage. Like most binaries, the majority of people aren’t actually at one of the poles that are emphasized, and some may want
April 29, 2011

Under the Influence

I want to talk about the influences those around us have on our relationships. No romance/hookup/fill in the blank exists in a vacuum, and more often than not we get feedback from those around us.
April 22, 2011

What Becomes of the Brokenhearted?

Getting over someone is a process that we will all have to go through, unless you are one of those annoyingly lucky people who stays with their kindergarten sweetheart forever. I’m doing it right now.
April 15, 2011

Sex and Society in 2500 Words

Based on the comments from last week’s column and the advent of the Queer/Trans Conference, I thought that it would be a good idea to write a basic column dissecting general cultural thinking about sex.
March 25, 2011

Hooking Up Is Hard To Do

Hookups are not really hard to do. With the right combination of Paces ambiance, inebriation, and blessing from God, most of us could find someone willing to go home with us at least most evenings, if we are not even remotely picky.
March 18, 2011

Break-Up Etiquette 101

When we are little, no one ever teaches us how to properly break up with someone. This is a shame, given that most of us will have to be on either side of the exchange at least once in our lives.
March 4, 2011

Success Without Putting a Ring On It

The marriage standard devalues any relationship that doesn’t climax in a white dress ceremony with a violin quartet version of Bittersweet Symphony, 200 witnesses, and a cake the size of a Smart Car. So I was thinking about what my alternate definitions
February 11, 2011

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