The Legend of the Fire Moose

Once upon a time, there was a moose named Loudmouth (to use the closest English translation). As you may have guessed from the fact that meese* tend to confront their problems by head-butting them, meese are neither subtle nor circumspect. As a

Venturing Out of the Bubble

I transferred from Villanova to Swarthmore my sophomore year of college. As a Villanova student, Lancaster Ave provided great places to go and study and restaurants to eat at with friends on weekends. I would go off campus at least once a


We Are More Together Now

The other day, the coldest day so far this term, I couldn’t help but notice pairs of friends all over campus walking arm-in-arm, holding each other tight. I noticed as they sprang in uniform steps through the redwood alley or floated blissfully

It’s the Little Things That Count

I think we can all agree that these past couple weeks have been rough. Midterms combined with a constant stream of depressing news have certainly not filled my life with sunshine and rainbows, and I’m sure the same holds for many of

Saturday Night Freaking Sucks

[On the Saturday night before class begins, the blue skies are slowly fading along with the sunset, casting a long shadow against the windowsill. Tonight, Don’s room is illuminated by a strong yellow, and together with the album “Evermore” by Taylor Swift


Dish-Lifters: The Unsung Heroes of Sharples

It’s 1:05 p.m. on a Tuesday in Sharples. People everywhere are frantically chugging their last bits of juice and stuffing their belongings into bags. Some are even power-perusing the last twenty pages of their readings before their 1:15 p.m. seminars. Soon, people

The Dastardly Delta Conspiracy

While taking a shower a few weeks ago, I glanced up at the shower head and noticed a curious detail: the word “Delta” inscribed on the rim. “Hmm,” I thought. “That’s an odd and unfortunate coincidence, what with the Delta variant going

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