Campus Journal - Page 2

In Our Defense: Vegans

“Vegan” is one of those elusive words that can function as any part of speech. Adverb: “I’ve been eating vegan for five years.” Here, the word “vegan” reveals that the “eating” happens in a miserable way, dull in flavor, with not enough
October 24, 2024

The Epidemiology of the Swat Plague

Take a quick walk around Swarthmore and you’ll gain a close look at the most common affliction of our era. No, it’s not the cough that lingers two weeks after the cold, neither is it our collective caffeine addiction, not even the
October 10, 2024

In Our Defense: First Years

Envisioning my first year as a college student, I dreamed of going to parties, attending intense sports games, and spending late nights cramming for midterms. When I committed to Swarthmore, I knew I’d have to settle for just the last one. After
October 10, 2024

What We Call Ourselves

What does the Swarthmore student call themself? Current students and admissions officers would invoke the term “Swattie,” a term of endearment for the student body and a way to make the institution more amiable. It’s a nickname that represents the way Swarthmore
October 10, 2024
Photo courtesy of Amy Graves

Carl Friedrich Goose: A Call for Homecoming

It should’ve been a gorgeous day. It was warm, but not too warm; the first years had settled in, the upperclassmen were moving back; Sharples may or may not have had deep-dish pizza, and campus construction seemed somewhat less invasive; professors were
October 10, 2024

Swarthmore Housing: Your “Home” Away From Home

For incoming first years, living on campus in a residence hall is always nerve-racking. Leaving the comforts of home to move into a cramped, messy double with a stranger can be daunting, but luckily, Swarthmore generously offers a myriad of choices for
September 26, 2024

The Campus Flâneur

To embellish an otherwise dull world, I paint my life with literary and philosophical constructs — those created to impose order upon generally chaotic disciplines. Rather than seeing life solely through disconnected tableaus, I create a map of the world populated with
September 26, 2024

Surviving Campus HAAAte

Although many people on this campus know me to be a bundle of joy, those who are closest to me are well aware of my larger-than-ideal hater count. It is a very unfortunate circumstance that, to be clear, I do not intend
September 26, 2024
The Phoenix