Arts - Page 71

Equivocation defies dramatic formula

It’s 1605 and a penniless playwright, William “Shagspeare,” is commissioned to abandon his play, “Macbeth,” in favor of a propaganda-esque account of the Gunpowder Plot. Also known as the Guy Fawkes Treason, the Gunpowder Plot was the failed assassination attempt of King
March 27, 2014

Le1f wows Tri-co crowd

Khalif Diouf, better known by his stage name Le1f, blew away crowds of fans at the Bryn Mawr Campus last Friday, March 21st. He performed to an audience hailing from the entire Tri-co and further out, in a double act with Betty
March 27, 2014

Artist Spotlight: Jacob Oet’s poetic priorities

To describe Jacob Oet ’16 as creative would be an understatement. Dabbling in forms such as photography, film and playwriting, Oet’s pursuits are impressive; however, his main love has always been poetry. Oet is a talented poet who has published five chapbooks
March 20, 2014

Revenge, a dish best served fresh on the Swarthmore stage

When you see primetime news reports about civilian casualties in the Middle East, mass shootings in United States grade schools and movie theaters, and unwarranted law enforcement brutality in urban settings, you don’t think Swarthmore College theater. However, theatre major Josh McLucas
March 20, 2014

The Crum, brought indoors

  Stacy Levy is an artist entranced with nature and its relationship to the man-made industrial world.  Her pieces of temporary art are intended to be collaborative projects, interactive with nature and the community they exist in. While some pieces of art
March 6, 2014

A great Grapejam

The Friday evening in the midst of midterms and before the long-anticipated spring break was a popular time for many Swatties to take a break and chill out. They could be found at a fun concert, spending a few moments with friends
March 6, 2014

Swarthmore to send five top slam poets to CUPSI showcase

On Saturday, Rose Wunrow ’16 and fellow teammates Haydil Henriquez ’14, Maria Vietyez ’16, Kat Galvis ’17 and George Abraham ’17 amazed a full Science Center 101 with a performance of the work they have prepared to compete at the 2014 College
March 6, 2014

Artist Spotlight: Rachel Fresques’ balanced ballet

For senior Rachel Fresques, ballet is a balancing act. As one of the most structured forms of dance, its beauty lies in the relationship between form and expression. “I really like that ballet is so structured,” she said. “What I find so
February 27, 2014

Postcards from abroad: Julian Randall

Dear Campus Journal, My experience abroad has so far been unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced! As a few people back home and at Swat know, this is my first trip outside the country, so everything from customs, to inflight movies, to
February 20, 2014
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