Arts - Page 44

Profiles in Art: Gene Witkowski

Art can be a powerful tool for reaching many goals, including empowerment and personal growth. Gene Witkowski ̕ 21, a prospective music and math major, finds these and other qualities of art in his music. When I interviewed Witkowski to showcase his
March 1, 2018

Profiles in Art: Liya Harris-Harrell

Swarthmore is filled with people from many different places and backgrounds, which means a plethora of stories can be told. One artist who is telling these stories is Liya Harris-Harrell ̕ 21. They are a prospective art and chemistry double major who
February 22, 2018

MGMT Leave Their “Little Dark Age” Behind

A year ago, a new album from MGMT wouldn’t have been particularly highly anticipated, and it especially wouldn’t have been expected to be any good. When “Little Dark Age,” the lead single from the band’s 2018 album of the same name, was
February 22, 2018

A Taste of Home on Lunar New Year

My parents and I never ran out of plates to use⸺ unless it was Lunar New Year. On that special occasion, we cooked up a storm. We adorned our dining table with dumplings, vegetable stir fry, braised pork, spiced beef, and many
February 22, 2018

Profiles in Art: Olivia Smith

One of the first things that is easily noticed upon arrival at Swarthmore is the incredible amount of art that students create every day, which often goes unnoticed. From my own experience, for people from smaller, more rural areas, the exposure to
February 15, 2018

Making Black Magic

For the past two weeks, the Frear Ensemble Theater has undergone curious transformations. The seemingly ordinary black box theater became a vehicle hurtling through time and space, transporting audiences to sugar cane fields, cotton fields, and communes; to mystical destinations of unreality;
February 15, 2018

“F*** You,”Brockhampton at the Theatre of Living Arts

Brockhampton, a Los Angeles collective of artists and designers, performed two shows for their Love Your Parents Tour at the Theatre of Living Arts in Philadelphia on Jan 30 and 31. The crowd was made up of mostly teens and twenty-somethings, sporting
February 15, 2018

25 Years of the Intercultural Center

In 1993, in response to a melange of student activism and demand for safe spaces on campus to express and explore identity, the Intercultural Center was born. Yet the story may be more complicated, as shown in the exhibit in the McCabe
February 15, 2018

Making the Best of It: Hooking Up

For some reason, “making” is something viewed as a relic of the past, something that was done out of necessity and boredom before the Internet. This however, is far from true: there are millions of people around the world and in the
February 8, 2018
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The Phoenix