Around Campus - Page 52

MJ members receive sanctions

On Friday, March 17th, Associate Dean of Students Nathan Miller informed five students by email that they could face sanctions for a violation of the student code of conduct incurred during their participation in a peaceful protest last month. The five students
March 30, 2017

Occupy Philly attracts Swat supporters

Fueled by citizens discontented with an economic system that they say favors 1% of the population at the expense of the remaining 99%, the Occupy protests that began on Wall Street more than a month ago have spread across the United States
October 20, 2011

New clean-up policy for Paces Cafe proposed

This summer’s Paces makeover, both inside and out, has been followed with a proposal due Sunday for a new systematic policy regarding the use of Paces as a social space — the Social Affairs Committee (SAC) has agreed to pay a nonrefundable
October 20, 2011

Valuables stolen from student car in parking lot

Last week an unidentified burglar broke into a student’s car parked in Cunningham parking lot and stole some valuables. “I know of at least one student who had their car physically broken into,” said Jessica Cannizzaro ’12, an RA on Willets Second
October 6, 2011

Inn project begins, debate continues

After more than a decade of intangible progress, a physical advance has finally been made on the Town Center West project. Construction on the project, more widely known as the Swarthmore Inn, began this summer with the rerouting of utility lines in
October 6, 2011

Swatties arrested at D.C. mass sit-in

Earlier this month, a group of six Swarthmore students took a two-day trip to Washington D.C. to participate in one of the largest acts of civil disobedience in decades. Over two weeks of protests that lasted from August 20 to September 3,
September 29, 2011

Fang named Environmental Sustainability Coordinator

In response to the rallying cries of student groups, faculty, alumni and administrators, the college created a new position this fall called the Environmental Sustainability Coordinator (ESC). The ESC, whose post was filled by Clara Changxin Fang earlier this month, will guide
September 22, 2011

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