Elijah Nepomuceno

Fighting Impostor Syndrome

A college dormitory is no place for seclusion – it is a shared space that, even behind closed doors, is never truly private. They are communal spaces; we commune in each other’s joys and struggles, all in a centralized place. Of course,
February 6, 2025

Truth and Consequences

Growing up, we were taught that truth was, of all things, objective. It either happened or it did not. There was only one singular truth, and if you defy it or you lie, it is bad. Often, when we were young, we
November 14, 2024

Admitting Others’ Depths

Every CommonApp personal statement had some convoluted metaphor or hook to, at the very least, prevent the admissions officer from immediately binning your application. Outside of the occasional interview or supplemental essay, it was one of your only chances to speak your
October 24, 2024

Spitting First Words

When I was a baby, my parents spoon-fed me many things as I slowly grew. They fed me applesauce. They fed me rice. Foods I loved from the beginning because they looked appealing and novel to me. Then they tried introducing brussel
September 26, 2024

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