On Thursday evening, Sharples overflowed with eager diners who had come to sample local foods at a dinner hosted by Swarthmore’s Good Food Project. Every item on the menu--from the [...]
On Thursday, librarians at McCabe unveiled a new exhibit in honor of this year’s Banned Books Week. The American Library Association introduced Banned Books Week in 1982 to raise awareness [...]
Last Wednesday, Swarthmore students eating dinner at Sharples were in for a pleasant surprise: many of them left the Pasta Bar serving station with tiny candy bars on their trays. [...]
This month, the Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility is holding a toiletry drive as part of United Way’s sixteenth annual “Days of Caring” event. Days of Caring (this [...]
While it is increasingly common for Swarthmore students--particularly freshmen--to speak of Alice Paul Hall as “Alice Paul” or “A.P.,” the fact remains that most Swatties prefer the descriptive title of [...]
On the first day of Orientation, Swarthmore freshmen opened their mailboxes to find a packet of course listings for an imaginary “Men’s Studies” department. “Due to a printing error,” the cover sheet read, “one department was left out of the College Bulletin
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