Urooj Khan

Gazette Picks

1. When Is Good.net This site is a godsend for busy Swatties with their busy schedules wanting to coordinate their busy lives with other busy people. You simply highlight times [...]
April 16, 2008

ATG: Globes and Bathrooms, McCabe Edition!

This week, we answer your deepest questions about the building that tries to answer our deepest questions: the library! Our first questioner asked why the gender-neutral sign was removed from [...]
April 4, 2008

Wren Elhai ’08 Awarded A Watson

Wren Elhai was recently awarded the prestigious Watson Fellowship after being one of four students nominated by Swarthmore for the prize. With the fellowship, he plans to spend a year [...]
April 3, 2008

Lecture: Interlocution and Islam

On Thursday afternoon, Hamid Dabashi delivered a lecture entitled “Islam and the Making of Cosmopolitan Cultures” as part of the Islam, Globalism, & Cosmopolitanism lecture series sponsored by the Bruce [...]
March 30, 2008

College Corner with Margaret Cho

Between her question and answer session with college students, a lecture for the community of Swarthmore, and her sold-out comedic performance at LPAC, Margaret Cho sat down with the Daily [...]
February 28, 2008
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