Toby Levy

SLAP, HR collaborate on childcare survey

Just under a year after the strife-filled semester that President Rebecca Chopp termed the  “spring of our discontent,” a student group is working in conjunction with administrators to try and show that both parties are capable of working together harmoniously. Members of
March 6, 2014

SEPTA to extend Media/Elwyn line 3 miles to Wawa

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority’s Media/Elwyn regional rail line, which serves the borough of Swarthmore and stops next to campus, will soon extend three more miles to Wawa, PA, due to the November passage of a state transportation funding package, SEPTA officials
February 7, 2014

Obama to address sexual assault on college campuses

Last week, President Barack Obama brought major national attention to cases of sexual misconduct, particularly on college campuses, with the creation of a new task force, the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. The task force is intended
January 30, 2014

Concussions an increasing concern for colleges

Recent discoveries concerning neurological issues in football players in the National Football League (NFL) have spawned a nationwide debate about safety in sports. While the NFL has its own class of brutal physical contact, concussions are a pressing issue on college campuses
December 5, 2013

Students assess Margolis Healy’s past and performance

In the wake of a tense spring semester stemming from conflict concerning the college’s sexual misconduct policies, administrators hired Margolis Healy & Associates (MHA), a consulting company specializing in campus safety and regulatory compliance. Last semester, President Rebecca Chopp announced that the
September 19, 2013

Board says it will not divest

After a summer of deliberation, as was evident from the letter sent to the college by Maurice Eldridge, Vice President for College and Community Relations, the College’s Board of Managers determined not to divest from fossil fuel companies. In a letter signed
September 12, 2013

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