Racial violence at Mizzou and Yale cannot be tolerated

Content warning: Racial violence During the past week, a new series of acts of violence against Black students at college campuses across the country have gained national media attention. At Yale University, reports have surfaced of women of color being turned away

In poor collection attendance, student body shows hypocrisy

Last Friday, the college held its first open collection since the 2012-13 academic year. Despite reports that the responses to the collection were generally positive, the Phoenix was dismayed to learn of the dismal numbers of student participants in what is supposed

Can it still be Pride with no one to hear?

On admissions tours, Swarthmore’s tour guides often praise the plethora of extracurricular activities Swarthmore has to offer: community service organizations, club and intramural athletics, and of course, a substantial number of groups on campus dedicated to the discussion of, or identification with,

Fall break does not actually give students a break

It is difficult to argue the fact that Swarthmore is an academically rigorous institution. We pride ourselves on this rigor in admissions pamphlets, in the mouths of our tour guides, and in the furious matches of misery poker played late at night

Students need more time and support to grieve and heal

This past weekend marks for many students the most difficult and tragic time that we have experienced while at Swarthmore. Those who were close to Anthony Chiarenza are grieving his sudden and tragic passing, in a way that is probably unimaginable for

Why are we the only school with a Matchbox?

As an institution, the way that Swarthmore presents its “Matchbox couples” and legacy students is atypical and reinforces the system of privilege that it claims to be fighting against. Many students have heard the legend of the college’s function as a “Quaker

Board’s continued failure to divest is unacceptable

In light of the chance concurrence of Discover Swarthmore and the Board of Managers meeting, we at the Phoenix feel that the college should consider the potentially negative ways in which the Board of Managers’ decision not to divest from fossil fuels

We say the more DiscoSwat, the better

The Office of Admissions has recently decided to expand Discover Swarthmore, an all-expenses-paid overnight program for high-achieving high school seniors to visit campus. In previous years, Discover Swarthmore was held for only one weekend in the fall semester, but two will take

College should try harder to retain employees

In light of the recent departures of Lili Rodriguez, former dean of diversity, inclusion, and community development, and Amer Ahmed, former director of the intercultural center and dean of the sophomore class, and anticipating the imminent departure of Mike Elias, current assistant

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