Shilpa Boppana

College Corner with Professor Dominic Tierney

Swatties who have been lotteried out of one of Professor Dominic Tierney’s classes know about his popularity. The Daily Gazette chatted with this political science professor in his office about [...]
February 24, 2008

Lecture: Zones of Peace in El Salvador

Dr. Selena Sermeno has witnessed first-hand the devastation caused by the civil war in El Salvador. On Wednesday, Sermeno spoke to Swarthmore students about the Zones of Peace initiative in [...]
February 15, 2008

Dr. King and Prayer Pilgrimage: Ralph Roy ’50

In part two of the Daily Gazette's interview with civil rights activist Ralph Roy '50, Roy discusses his experiences ministering in an African-American church, meeting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., [...]
February 10, 2008

New Islamic Studies and Arabic Minor Emerges

Swarthmore will soon have a new minor: Islamic Studies and Arabic. Though the requirements for the minor are still being finalized, they will be interdisciplinary and include rudimentary knowledge of [...]
February 5, 2008

Seniors Win Swarthmore Book Collection Contest

Jake Brunkard ’08, Mark Kharas ’08, and Trude Raizen ’08 are this year’s winners of the A. Edward Newton student book collection competition. Swarthmore’s Newton competition is the oldest college [...]
February 4, 2008

Swatties Share Externship Experiences

Over winter break, several Swarthmore students explored different career fields around the country through Career Service's externship program. Externships pair current students with Swarthmore alums for a week to shadow [...]
January 30, 2008

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