Sameer Halepoto

Sameer is a final-year student studying Economics and Computer Science.

A Plea for More Diversity of Thought on Campus

The rise and subsequent entrenchment of woke culture – wherein individuals adopt an obsessive and blinkered approach towards civil rights issues – in higher education institutions has resulted in the erosion of intellectual rigor that flows from nuanced debate around contested issues.
December 1, 2022

Should We Be Kicking White People Out of Parties?

Hosted by the Swarthmore Queer Union (SQU), Swarthmore African Student Association (SASA), Swarthmore ENLACE, and the Swarthmore African-American Student Society (SASS), the party at Paces the Saturday before Thanksgiving welcomed diversity more than most. After all, typical Swat parties include an outsized
December 2, 2021

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