Rose See

Students, faculty to launch education policy journal

A new undergraduate educational policy journal will be launched within the next year. The journal will be primarily student-driven and will be written A new undergraduate educational policy journal will be launched within the next year. The journal will be primarily student-driven
February 18, 2016

New suite style dorms to be built for 2017

The college will build new suite-style housing alongside the baseball fields next to PPR, scheduled to be open in the Fall 2017 semester. The new residential building, tentatively called NPPR (or New PPR), will ensure that there will be a sufficient amount
February 3, 2016

Title IX Office debuts advanced online resource

The Title IX Office at the college has recently released a new website offering resources on sexual health and violence. The website, called SHARE, or Sexual Health/Assault Resources and Education, is designed to be a student-centered resource for information and support on
December 3, 2015

Women’s center expands, re-envisions role

This year, the Women’s Resource Center is working to increase its hours and the availability of its resources. Although the WRC has always aimed to provide a safe space for students of all backgrounds and identities to come together, its goals have
November 5, 2015

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