Preston Cooper

Players’ Club of Swarthmore presents: ‘Our Town’

Few plays possess the enduring, trans-generational quality exemplified by Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town,” which is currently being performed by the Ville’s own community theater, the Players’ Club of Swarthmore (PCS). The play, directed by renowned Philadelphia theater veteran Ellen Wilson Dilks, opened
September 29, 2011

Enlace, O.A.S.I.S. host string of LHM performances

Every September, communities nationwide celebrate Latin@ Heritage Month. Here at Swarthmore, Latino student organization Enlace is marking the month with a series of events, ranging from concerts featuring Latino artists to seminars and workshops focusing on Latino issues. This year, Enlace leaders
September 22, 2011

Olde Club begins season with Enlace Concert

This Saturday at 10 p.m., Olde Club will host a concert and dance party featuring a renowned, diverse trio of artists — Zuzuka Poderosa, Las Krudas and Geko Jones. The concert, which will be Olde Club’s first live performance of the school
September 15, 2011

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