Preston Cooper

Cast An Informed Vote This Election!

Don’t just stop at U.S. President. Up and down the ballot, all elections are important. That’s why The Phoenix is bringing you these profiles of candidates running for offices that represent Swarthmore. If you’re registered here, these are the names you’ll see
November 1, 2012

Swat celebrates the various holidays of the season

As the semester winds down and the days grow shorter, many students anticipate the approach of the three major December holidays — Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. The three holidays, which all land over Winter Break this year, extol the values of peace
December 1, 2011

First fashion runway show raises over $1000

Last Friday, over a hundred fashion enthusiasts flocked to Upper Tarble for Swarthmore’s first-ever fashion show and auction to benefit the Trevor Project, America’s leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention network aimed at LGBT youth. Hosted by the Queer-Straight Alliance (QSA), Fashion Forward 2011
October 6, 2011

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