Peem Lerdputtipongporn

Rethinking the decline of language education

A few weeks ago, I attended a lecture by Dr. Brandon King ’05 on the parallels between legalism and contemporary education. Dr. King graduated with a Chinese major from Swarthmore, and in his year, 19 students graduated with a Chinese major or
May 3, 2018

A call to deinstitutionalize stress

“Have you taken care of yourself recently?” My professor asked me this question a few weeks ago after noticing how enervated I was. As midterms were rolling in, I needed to sacrifice several hours of sleep every day to catch up with
April 26, 2018

A warning on simplifying Songkran festival

Those of you who have talked to me probably know I came from Thailand and have lived in the U.S. for virtually two years. A few days ago, I saw a poster about the Thingyan Water Festival which is taking place at
April 12, 2018

In appreciation of those who work behind the scenes

Do we appreciate every member of the Swarthmore community enough? At Swarthmore, we embrace the Quaker values of inclusion, diversity, and responsibility. Amidst our celebration of those values, however, some members of Swarthmore community usually do not receive as much attention and
April 5, 2018

Practicing kreng-jai at Swarthmore

Although I have studied in the United States for almost two years, there is one Thai word for which I cannot find a counterpart in English: kreng-jai. To kreng-jai is to be considerate of how other people feel and act considerately so
March 29, 2018

Benefits of bilingualism

Last weekend, I volunteered to cook for the Chinese New Year party hosted by the Chinese Department. As I was frying spring rolls — authentic Chinese food — to be served at the party, I had the opportunity to meet with fellow
March 1, 2018

Dear fellow first-years, you are not alone

Have you ever felt introducing yourself to new friends this semester is more awkward than it was last semester? Have you ever crossed list after list of activities you find unappealing? Have you ever forced yourself to remain in a club, organization,
February 15, 2018

Thailand, Trump, and Authoritarianism

Last week, I overheard a conversation about Donald Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns. Two people were arguing if President Trump would ever release them. The argument proceeded as follows: because American politics nowadays are too polarized and divisive, President Trump’s
February 1, 2018

A complex case of repurposing Sharples

Dining halls shape your college experience. Not only does it provide you with the food you need to sustain your daily routine, it also serves as a social space where students can relax, hang out together, or meet new faces they have
December 7, 2017

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