Nikhita Luthra

All shades of brown are not the same

“I’m really attracted to Middle Eastern girls now. I was talking to a girl from Azerbaijan recently.” I stared at the screen, partially in horror and partially sighing. There were so many things wrong with this. It’s precisely statements like these which
November 20, 2014

A twist on the classic changing-majors story

Just a few months ago, Helen Wang ’17 was amongst the brave souls who dared to take organic chemistry. As the daughter of two doctors, she expected to break her chemist father’s heart this summer with the news that she was considering
November 6, 2014

A woman in computer science

Interviewing Swatties after breaks is always fascinating because I hear about all the exciting, diverse ways they spend their time. For Allison Ryder ’17, fall break meant an-all expense paid trip to Phoenix, Ariz. to attend the Grace Hopper Convention. Grace Hopper
October 23, 2014

Designing Swat with Steve Sekula

The spirit of the liberal arts rests upon the integration of various disciplines. For Steve Sekula ’17, this spirit permeates past classes and into the extracurricular realm. Sekula is spearheading a revamping of Swarthmore Graphic Design, a club that combines technology and
September 18, 2014

Balancing Act: Stress and the Swattie

Swarthmore students love to be too busy. After all, many of us were accepted here by being manic overachievers in high school. We ended up with stacked academic resumés, as well as long lists of stress induced mental break-downs. By graduation, we
April 24, 2014

On the road in California with Yikai Wang ’16

Yikai Wang ’16, from Hangzhou, China, went couchsurfing in California over winter break. Wang’s expedition took him through Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Cambria, Carmel, Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Jose, and San Francisco. He used the program to be
February 13, 2014

Defying stereotypes of OCD

When I used to ask him about what he was like in high school, Vincent* always vaguely answered, “I was a lot different before junior year.” Because I’m an open book and wear my heart on my sleeve, Vincent’s answer always left
January 23, 2014

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